Rescued & Rehomed Strays 2

Whether it be groups or individual GreekSTRAYS, all have their own stories to tell and one day a book will be written.

As rescuers and active animal lovers, it is a task that is never-ending.  Financially and emotionally, it is extremely draining.  Over the years many GreekSTRAYS have been rescued and rehomed, but it doesn't seem to be getting any easier.  Cats, kittens, dogs, puppies, young, old, new born, sick, disabled, dying, dumped, yet miraculously most have survived and gone on to better lives, to new homes with new loving families in various European countries.  But this in itself is proving more and more difficult to achieve with new European controls and regulations, and has become a very costly exercise.  The local stray colonies around Ermioni are in addition to the 'rescues' and naturally food is the biggest expenditure, with so many mouths to feed, especially during the winter period when they are cold, wet and hungry.  Naturally, our aim is to hope and pray that each year becomes easier, but that never seems to happen. 
Donations are hugely needed for GreekSTRAYS
Account name & bank: GreekSTRAYS - Lloyds Bank   Sort Code: 30-65-22    Account Number: 78074260

This page covers Rescued & Rehomed GreekSTRAYS (2) from 2017 to 2024 


MAY 2024 - MAMA TERESA and her 5 BABIES - The tourist season starts again and many European holidaymakers find strays and want help for them, but they don’t realize that this adds yet another financial cost to GreekSTRAYS.  This little cat family at the NIKKI BEACH HOTEL in Porto Heli was an urgent case, as the GM wanted this cat family removed immediately, because it seems that many tourists were complaining about the condition of this family, and also there was a big wedding at the weekend.  As a result, we knew it would be difficult to find help, because it wasn’t just one kitten or one cat, it was a family of 5 babies which were only 4 weeks old, plus their mummy.  Finally a foster was found which would allow them to be homed together.  That particular evening, plans were put in place to catch them, but even though we were led to believe they were human friendly, sadly that was not the case.  Mama was feral and pretty wild.  The 5 baby kittens were caught, but mummy eventually escaped from her box, so that was left for the next morning.  The babies were immediately taken to the vet for examination, and then onto their foster home.  

The next morning, another rescue mission was in place to catch MAMA TERESA and after a few attempts, she was caught, taken to the vet and then reunited with her five babies.  The long term plan is that they will stay together with the foster lady, until they are all healthy, neutered and old enough to travel across to caring owners in Europe.  Mummy was named after Ukraine's 3rd place Eurovision Song Contest entry 'Mama Teresa & Diva Maria' by Jerry Heil and Alyona Alyona. 


MAY 2023 - MICKEY & JOEY - Little MICKEY was originally found at the weekly farmers market in Ermioni, he was on his own wandering around, lonely and lost.  JOEY was found at Maria's taverna in November, where he used to go begging for scraps of food.  Both were brought home and became exeptionally good friends, getting on with our house cats.  An English couple staying at a nearby Hapimag resort agreed to rehome them, and they were finally transported to the UK in February 2024.  They have now settled down in their new environment with their delighted new owners, another happy ending for two adorable GreekSTRAYS.

MAY 2023 - JACK, BELLA, PIPPA and ANNIE were in the second group of strays that were to go to Berlin for adoption.  They were all from the Sanctuary and stayed with us prior to departure.  On the day of departure, they all managed to escape, however, JACK, BELLA and PIPPA returned soon after, with no sign of ANNIE.  So only three travelled to Berlin on 2nd May 2023, and have found new owners and new homes.  ANNIE eventually came back and was returned to the Sanctuary, to be with her many friends.  


JANUARY 2023 - POPPY, ALEXA & BUMBLE, DOTTIE & DUMPLING were all rescued GreekSTRAYS from our Sanctuary.  They became the first group to travel to Berlin for adoption.  All five strays staying with us prior to departure as they had only been used to living outdoors.  They were taken to Berlin on 24th January 2023 with POPPY in the cabin, ALEXA & BUMBLE and DOTTIE & DUMPLING placed in cargo.  All cats arrived safely and soon adopted to their new surroundings, waiting for their new owners. 



AUGUST 2022 - BROWNIE & MANGO  were originally wanted in Sweden, but due to ill health of the potential adopter, this was not possible. They had to remain together and would not be separated.   BROWNIE was dumped together with her other five siblings in the open field as a tiny little baby, and she was the only survivor of the six.  She is a rare dwarf kitten, but so adorable.  MANGO was dumped in the old village of Ermioni as a little baby in November.  They were both brought home with us and are utterly gorgeous.   They were soon wanted, and both went to Berlin in March 2023 to a wonderful person and new home. 

JUNE 2022 - TITAN & TIGS . . . these two babies were just stray orphans that didn't stand a chance of surviving on their own until we rescued them.  TITAN, the tabby one, was found at the Panaghia church in the old village, trying to get a morsal of food.  TIGS, the red one, was found on the back streets of Ermioni.  They had a good start in life with us, and our home cats, until the day came when they crossed the waters to Sweden on 8th May 2023 and given a permanent home by Zebbe Brax and his partner.



SEPTEMBER 2020 - POLLY was a shy baby orphan that managed to survive on a vacant piece of land behind the tourist office in Ermioni.  She used an abandoned underground water-pipe for shelter and would only come out occasionally.  POLLY was originally spotted by a French visitor and brought to our attention.  We eventually managed to get her out of the pipe and brought her home with us.  POLLY got on so well with our other live-in cats that she became a part of the family, and has stayed with us ever since.  

Animal rescue and rehoming became difficult from 12th March 2020 as the global Covid-19 pandemic lockdown kept many people at home and restricted movement and feeding of stray animals.  We were eventually given an official document from the Ermionida Municipality allowing us to go round and feed the GreekSTRAYS between 11am and 2pm.  Restricted time-slots also allowed us to go shopping for pet food and animal neutering at our local vet in Kranidi.  Sadly, unwanted kittens continued to be 'dumped' on us. 


JULY 2019 - BELLA & HYPNOS were a pair of baby kittens that were rehomed to France on 9th September 2019.  BELLA was originally found in Ermioni by an American couple, HYPNOS was found by a couple from France whilst on holiday, and both asked us to look after the kittens until they were old enough. Their friend and neighbour also wanted a kitten, so BELLA accompanied HYPNOS on their journey.  They both enjoyed each others company whilst they were with us, and continue to see each other often.


SEPTEMBER 2018 - ANDY & PANDY were rescued and originally homed at our Sanctuary.  They were both wanted in Munich, so they were transported over on 11th February 2019 with the plan of accompanying TINKERBELL on their journey.  However, there was a massive 'mix-up' with the booking, as nothing had been registered or confirmed.  So by chance, only ANDY and PANDY could go.  We had to bring TINKERBELL back home, however, she then went to her new home in Munich on 11th March 2019.

MAY 2018 - MEGHAN became part of our big colony of pussycats.  She came to us from Kyparissia as an urgent plea, because of the situations with animal welfare within that area.  She didn't come alone either.  HARRY came with her, but he disappeared after a very short time, but this little girl, even though having only one ear, was the most loving and gentle little girl.  Sadly, on 23rd May 2020, she just disappeared.  There are no words to describe what you feel when they vanish, but she definitely had the best care whilst being with the colony.  She was loved and cared for, given cuddles, brushed and more.  Maybe it was just her time to go. 



JULY 2017 - TIA & MARIA were two little kittens that lived with their loving mother near the Milos windmill on Krothi Hill.  We used to feed all three of them regularly, until we noticed that their mother suddenly disappeared.  We decided that the two small kittens should be given a chance, so they both came home to live with us, until they were old enough to look after themselves.  As they had grown-up together, they were eventually adopted and went to live in their new home in England with their new caring owners. 

JULY 2017 - OPHELIA was discovered crying by the Ermioni post office on a busy market day. She was on her own, and many passing people just ignored her cries.  We brought the tiny kitten home and thought it was a little boy, so called it Yiannis.  It was only later when the kitten was taken to the vet, that we discovered the little boy was in fact a little girl, so was renamed OPHELIA.  Her time came to be rehomed, as she was wanted by her new owners, so she travelled abroad by road on 21st September 2017.

MAY 2017 - OLLIE & JOSH were originally rescued from bins in Porto Heli.  We were notified about the babies, collected them and brought them home.  They were both very weak and needed constant care until they slowly recovered.  They were transported to Germany on 21st September 2017, until we realised that the owner's home was being used by drug-addicts and alchoholics.  We immediately redirected them to England, a temporary carer looked after them both until we found them a permanent loving home.  

MAY 2017 - NEDA & HER BABIES were discovered by an English tourist in Messenia, where locals were telling him to drown the six puppies.  We were contacted and tried to find a quick solution.  Just when hope was fading, kind animal carers from Kyparissia were able to collect NEDA and her babies and give them food and shelter.  We raised money, and managed to find permanent foreign homes for all of Neda's six beautiful growing puppies.  Her job done, NEDA was then rehomed to a loving owner in Finland.

MAY 2017 - MARTHA - We discovered MARTHA when she showed up at a colony that we fed on the backstreets of Ermioni.  We soon realised that she had part of her back leg missing.  After having x-rays at a Kyparissia specialist vet, MARTHA was put on a course of medication and cortisone injections.  This meant she had to be kept in a large cage, but she seemed to be self-healing.  A British couple were interested in rehoming her, but as time went by, we lost contact, so MARTHA was returned to her old colony. 

APRIL 2017 - CHARLIE  ELLIOT  EMILY were born before their mother could be neutered by the vet.  As the mother was quite wild and not human-friendly, we brought the three tiny babies home.  Here we could feed them and make sure they had a good start in life.  We were fortunate that all three babies were wanted by new owners in England.  CHARLIE, ELLIOT and EMILY were prepared for travel to the UK, however, we could only find road transport for them, but they all got to their loving new owners safely.

Donations are hugely needed for GreekSTRAYS
Account name & bank: GreekSTRAYS - Lloyds Bank   Sort Code: 30-65-22    Account Number: 78074260






Picture Gallery
Ophelia - July 2017 Tia & Maria - July 2017 Tinkerbell - September 2018 Bella & Hypnos - July 2019 Polly - September 2020 Titan & Tigs - June 2022 Brownie & Mango - August 2022 Joey & Mickey - May 2023