Ermioni Museums & Library


The History and Folklore Museum of Ermioni is a unique example of a fortified stately residence of Ermioni from before the 'Hellenic Revolution' 1821-1829.  This house, which is referred to as The Economou House was built in the 18th century, but over the years this grand historic house was reduced to ruins.  However, thanks to the Hellenic Deputy Minister of Culture and Sport, the care and efforts made by the 'Friends of Ermioni' Society, as well as grants from the Voudouris Foundation, the historic building was carefully restored back to its original state in the mid-1990's allowing it to be used as the History and Folklore Museum of Ermioni.  The Ermioni Museum is situated in the centre of the old village, adjacent to the 9thC Byzantine church of Taxiarches (Archangels). The Economou House is a fortified two-storey building with two large entrance gates, a spacious high-walled courtyard and a large upper-terrace that overlooks most of Ermioni and across Kapari Bay towards Hydra. 

Upon entering the museum from the courtyard, the ground floor of the museum is divided into three main sections.  The entrance lobby is devoted to Ermioni's reliance on the surrounding sea with many nautical artefacts.  The second room has a huge collection of historic household and farming items used from the previous centuries.  The third room has a large collection of period costumes displayed behind a large glass window, with many pieces of domestic furniture, pictures and handicrafts from Ermioni's recent past.

The Museum is open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday throughout the year 
Summer: 19:00 - 21:00   -    Winter: 17:00 - 19:00 

The 18th century Economou House is of historic importance, as it was the place where, from January to March 1827, several Hellenic military leaders, politicians and clergymen (at the formal request of General Theodoros Kolokotronis) gathered to act as 'plenipotentiaries' in the fight for an Independent Hellenic Nation.  This was to continue the work of the Hellenic National Assembly, which started in Piada, Neo Epidavros and was brought to a conclusion in Trizina.  The Third National Assembly held in Ermioni has been described by Nicholas Dragoumis in his Historical Memoirs, 'as a place where meetings were held in an oblong room'.  In the very same first floor room, the exhibition aims to recreate the setting of the Third National Assembly in that dramatic and crucial period of the 'Hellenic Revolution', with written documents, period costumes, weapons and heroes' portraits of the Greek War of Independence.

The President of the Hellenic Republic, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, visited the Museum on Sunday 12th March 2017 to celebrate the 190th Anniversary of this famous and historic 3rd National Assembly of Greece, held in Ermioni in 1827.  Images of visit:

Outside the museum, there is the Perivolaki garden with marble busts of Ermioni's War of Independence heroes.  They are the two Mitsas brothers, Stamatis and Yiannis (pictured above, right) who led the Ermioni struggle against the Ottoman Turks during the Greek War of Independence,1821-1829.  A new marble bust of Colonel and MP Antonis Mitsas was unveiled in 2022, the son of Stamatis Mitsas.  Antonis became famous for his military exploits in the Cretan Revolution, 1866-1869.  Throughout the modern history of Greece, the active participation of the people of Ermioni in the fights and sacrifices for various national causes can clearly be seen through many historic paintings, photos, war decorations, medals, weapons and other memorabilia within the museum. Admission: Free 


The Toy Museum of Ermioni opened in August 2013, following the renovation of a building located at the back of the Panaghia church in the old village.  Most of the toys on display were supplied by an Ermioni resident, who donated all her old family toys for this project. The museum itself was sponsored and funded by donations made by a society called the 'Friends of Ermioni'.  The museum has two floors, the ground floor has a reproduction living/dining room from the last century, with a traditional Greek shadow-puppet theatre with all the famous characters dating from the 19th Century that children used to enjoy.  The first floor has a large collection of traditional toys which were used throughout Greece over the last one hundred years.

The displays feature traditional metal and wooden toys which were played with by younger children, from early boats and bi-planes to the mid-1960's automobile era, a large collection of figures and dolls, with old handycraft products, games and accessories.  Many people, young and old, visit the museum and have the opportunity to be given a guide and explanation to the types of toys on display.  The school section is very popular, as it shows the standard uniforms that were worn to school by all the pupils, including the writing materials and books that the children used for their education and learning.  Although the village museum has a relatavely modest toy collection at present, it has been very popular with the local residents and visitors and any donations of traditional old-time toys are always welcomed.  Admission: Free

The Toy Museum is open throughout the Summer months - evenings only 19:00 - 21:00

Also open on public holidays and local festivals 


Most museums throughout Greece celebrate the annual International Museum Day on 18th May.



The Library of Ermioni, which is situated in the centre of the old village, opened in 2008.  It has over 8,000 volumes that cover all areas of knowledge.  By the end of the first year, over 3,500 books were lent out, mainly to students, but also to adult residents.  A small selection of European books are available and free wi-fi access for those who bring their laptops.  The establishment of the library was based on private donations and today is run by volunteers.  The furniture, furnishings, modern technological equipment and large volume of books are all thanks to private donations made by individuals and local organisations.  Future plans are to expand the library to the neighbouring building of the Kapodistiran School, which stands in front of the library and was the original Ermioni elementary school built in 1888, however, substantial renovation work is necessary to restore this historic old building.  Admission: Free  

The Library is open Monday to Friday throughout the year

Monday: 12:00-16:00   Tuesday: 09:00-12:00   Wednesday: 09:00-12:00   Thursday: 12:00-16:00   Friday: 12:00-16:00

Tel: 27540 32416 & 27540 32461     email:


Ermioni Museum of History & Folklore
37° 23' 5.2656" N, 23° 14' 41.8236" E
Picture Gallery
The History and Folklore Museum of Ermioni mosaic  The 'Mitsas Memorial' in the 'Perivolaki' museum garden Museums renovations starting in 1992 The spacious inner courtyard of the museum Display of assorted kitchen and garden implements Traditional domestic tools and implements Tools from the 19th century A traditional 19th century loom A 19th century spinning-wheel and accessories Display of traditional Ermioni period costumes Display of traditional wall decorations and furniture Traditional Ermioni costumes during the mid-19th century A 19th century brides wedding dress (on the left) Ermioni costume from the mid 19th century, with photo of original wearer Painting of the museum building by a local artist Selection of paintings by local artist Painting showing the 3rd National Assembly, held in the present museum Paintings from the War of Independence period 1821-1829 Pictures of the last owners of the museum building Library: The entrance in the old village of Ermioni Library: Selection of childrens books available Library: Assorted reference books to borrow Library: Rear of the building, built upon Hellenistic walls Location of Museums and Library in the old village  Toy Museum: In the old village of Ermioni Toy Museum: Traditional Greek shadow puppet theatre Toy Museum: Selection of figures and dolls Toy Museum: Various handicrafts and accessories Toy Museum: Assorted dolls and board games Toy Museum: Collection of metal and wooden toys Toy Museum: Old school uniform and photographs Toy Museum: Old Ermioni scene of children and their toys Ermioni Museum: Hellenic President's visit for 190th Anniversary Ermioni Museum: Hellenic President's visit for 190th Anniversary Ermioni Museum: Hellenic President's visit for 190th Anniversary Ermioni Museum: Hellenic President's visit for 190th Anniversary Ermioni Museum: Hellenic President's visit for 190th Anniversary Ermioni Museum: Hellenic President's visit for 190th Anniversary Ermioni Museum: Hellenic President's visit for 190th Anniversary Ermioni Museum: Hellenic President's visit for 190th Anniversary