Local Businesses

Lazaros Mitsou - Taxi - Ermioni, Ermioni - Limania port
  • Phone: 0030 6944 371096
  • Contact name: Lazaros Mitsou
  • Languages spoken: 
  • Email: 
  • Web: 
  • Location: Ermioni

Greek/English speaking taxi man, who is very friendly and will take you anywhere.

Vegera taverna and take-away - Ermioni, Mandrakia (taverna) and Limania (take-away)
  • Phone: 0030 27540 31231
  • Contact name: 
  • Languages spoken: 
  • Email: 
  • Web: 
  • Location: Ermioni

Italian style taverna located at the Mandrakia harbour-side.   Also try the new all-year round take-away service available from the Cafe at the Limania port-side, opposite the war memorial.  Serving Greek snacks, pasta, pizzas, sandwiches, sea food and large salads.  Try the Greek pizza . . . .delicious.  Take away orders taken in advance.